With such a hot topic, with exoduses in different corners of the world and their geopolitical impact, the media have been often highlighting the presence of the exhibition.CANADA La vie branché – Agenda de cultural de ciudad Diario Le Droit – 8 de septiembre 2018 Carrefour culturel Diario Le Droit – 28 agosto de 2018 Les droits des migrants, au-delà de l’affiche https://www.ledroit.com/arts/carrefour-culturel/carrefour-culturel-28-aout-2018-d41ae24215d3298b1ce71689470242d1 Radio Canadá Internacional – 7 de agosto http://www.rcinet.ca/es/2018/08/07/la-migracion-contada-a-traves-del-cartel/ Radio Canada Internacional – 7 de agosto http://www.rcinet.ca/console.php?idMedia=7939339&urlTeaser=http://www.rcinet.ca/es/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2018/08/alicia-mayer-ganzalez2.jpg&locale=es&appCode=medianet MEXICORevista ProcesoLa Voz de Michoacán20 minutosUNAM GlobalCDMX MagacínUNAM GlobalDesinformémonosMensaje políticoLa Jornada Back to HOME ◀ Back to FIND OUT MORE ◀