Events UNAM - Canadá
La vie branché – Agenda de cultural de ciudad

Diario Le Droit – 8 de septiembre 2018

Carrefour culturel
Diario Le Droit – 28 agosto de 2018
Les droits des migrants, au-delà de l’affiche
Radio Canadá Internacional – 7 de agosto
Radio Canada Internacional – 7 de agosto
The UNAM-Canadá Choir
The UNAM-Canadá Choir (CUC) is a body of singers that seeks to promote the Spanish language and Mexican culture through music in the Ottawa-Gatineau region. The CUC began its activities in 2015.
The choir is currently composed of 20 members of various nationalities, including individuals whose native languages are Spanish, English, and French. Because of this wonderful variety of nationalities and languages, the CUC is a beautiful and enriching experience each and every day.
Discover our theatre Group
“La Pandilla” is an artistic organization, whose main goal is to promote the language and culture of Latin America. A forum for human reflection in the Spanish language, “La Pandilla” is in constant innovation.
“La Pandilla” is constantly in search of people interested in dramatic arts, and who are proficient in the Spanish language, even if it is not their mother tongue. Its main objective is to share a variety of productions with the public of the Ottawa-Gatineau area. The main aim of these productions is to highlight several aspects of Latin American culture.
Anybody interested in “La Pandilla” is always welcome to join. All of our plays are open to the public, whose presence contributes to our success.